Black Mirror

[ENG] Hello readers! 
In the beginning I'd like to admit that it's my first post so, it was really hard to choose only one topic. I've been thinking a lot and that's it. I decided to write about serial, which, in my opinion, it's worth to see. BLACK MIRROR. Why exactly it? The answer is short and easy. Because is for everyone, no matter who you are and what're your interests. Undoubtedly I could recommend for you. "Black Mirror" created by Charlie Brooker, has 4 seasons, giving us 19 fantastic, well-produced episodes, but showing separated stories. Question for now, why has become so popular, gaining fans worldwide? Frankly speaking because of topic which include. Technology, future, universe, human population, fear, death, memory. Sound interesting? Author want to perform respected dangers of permanently developed technology. Showing alternative present, makes us capable of stop for a moment, breath deeply and just reflex. Mostly, episodes are presented pessimistically with dark point of view. Easily you can find serial all on Netflix platform.
Now I'll put forward, which of episodes payed my attention the most. 
-Nosedive e1s3
Social media, fame, likes. Is it possible to lose your personality, sens of dignity by trying to become popular? What value is the most important in life? 

-San Junipero e4s3

Is really controversial story about love, memories, life and death. Maybe someday, we'll find way to stay longer here. This episode will drive you to consideration.What does mean „forever''?

-Be right back e1s2 
Next important question, is death end of everything? How about...keep your nearest thanks to artificial intelligence and robots. But could it replace real person, his behavior? And then is it safe?

Finally, this serial might change our life and pay attention on some real danger produced by new technologies. You'll never know, how it could influence on society, environment, worse if power will be in the wrong hands's subject for other time.


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